Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Invitation & Challenge (+ Lesson Plan for 9-3-17)

If you cannot view the video above or if you'd like to see it in HD, click here

     As we launch the Kairos sermon series from the book of Mark this upcoming Sunday, ABFs will be on the second week of this study.  See the preaching and ABF schedule by clicking here.

    In this week's video blog, I share with you the art of calibrating "Invitation" and "Challenge."  I pray this will be a helpful skill you can develop as an ABF leader and/or disciple-maker.

     In addition, below (JPEG) and by clicking here (PDF) you can see this week's lesson plan.  As the Gulf Coast is experiencing the devastation of Tropical Storm Harvey, you and the group can discuss ways of praying and responding to this crisis.

     Don't forget that you can comment on this blog!

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Three-Thirds Lesson Plan (08-27-17)

If you cannot see the video above or in order to watch it in HD click here

     As we make disciple-makers through ABF (Adult Bible Fellowships) or other groups, it is important to be intentional during the session about teaching for transformation.  In order to facilitate that we are providing lesson outline template known as "three-thirds."  This outline has been used effectively by discovery groups, house churches and church plants to make disciples and multiply groups around the world.

     This week Pastor Paulo and I explain what this outline consists of and how to best use it during the group session.  You can also download here and see below the first lesson for the Mark series which will be used this coming Sunday, August 27, 2017.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Information or Transformation?

If you can't see the the video above click here to view it on vimeo

          Often in churches we have set up our Bible study and "discipleship" programs to be primarily sources of information.  Imitating the western educational system, churches tend to age-grade their educational programs, focus on mastering information before moving to the next level, and center the experience around a classroom.  The classroom experience includes printed literature or books in addition to the Bible, lecture or class discussion, and the evaluation of learning is based on what "facts" participants can remember about the "lesson."

          Yet, when we look at Jesus' way of making disciples and at the disciple-making that took place in the book of Acts, we don't see this modern western system.  We see a more organic method that combines information with life sharing opportunities.  It is more like an extended family experience than a school house experience. Ultimately the objective of Jesus' kind of teaching is transformation.  He indicates this in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish builders (Matthew 7:24-26) and in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:20).  Paul emphasizes it in Romans 12:2 and James insists on it in James 1:22-24.

           If we are to imitate Jesus' way of making disciples and if we are to pay attention to the New Testament's focus on transformation rather than simply the passing of information, we need to re-think how our programs at church are structured and how our sessions are designed.  It requires a paradigm shift for most of us.  Before we can see transformation in the lives of those we teach, we need to undergo transformation (of our mind and our lives).

          In this week's video blog Pastor Paulo and I discuss the Information-Imitation-Innovation triangle.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Ten Characteristics of Disciple-Making Community

If you can't see the video, click here to view in our vimeo channel

     "Community" is one of the three major components of our disciple-making strategy at CBC.  (Worship and Mission are the other two).  The most common and preferred way for us at CBC to build community is through our ABFs (Adult Bible Fellowships).  There may be other expressions of this such Community Groups, Missional Communities, House Churches, etc.  Nevertheless there are ten characteristics we believe will foster a community environment that is conducive to disciple-making.  Watch the video as I talk more about this.

     These characteristics are important in developing an "extended family" on mission, or community.  They also help to guide the dynamic for the weekly sessions.  We will talk later this week about tools and methods but this offers us a context for it.

     In anticipation of the first lesson plan, you can see it below or download it here.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Your Role as Leader in the CBC Mission

If you cannot see the video above click here to view it on vimeo

       Whether you are an ABF leader, a leader in another ministry, or another disciple-maker, your role in the CBC mission is very important.

       CBC exists to
make disciple-makers
for the glory of God among the nations

      What is a disciple-maker?  (Any disciple should be a disciple-maker).    A disciple-maker is a life-long learner who loves God, loves people, and lives as a redemptive agent in the world, making other disciples (disciple-makers).         

How will we do this?  Our church-wide strategy is as follows:

We make disciples by
       Experiencing God’s presence in Worship,
       Embracing authentic Community, and
       Engaging in God’s Mission to the world

       The "community" circle is often lived out in an Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF), which should strive to be an (extended) "family on mission" or "oikos."  (We will explain more about this in later blog posts).  Within this "community" or ABF, the specific strategy and tools for disciple-making should be based on ten principles or criteria.  The disciple-making method should be,
  1. Christ-centered
  2. Biblically-based
  3. Spirit-empowered
  4. Grace-driven
  5. Reproducible
  6. Context-relevant
  7. Transformational
  8. Relationally authentic
  9. Motivated by the Great Commandment
  10. Strategic yet organic

       We will continue to talk about these 10 criteria for a disciple-making methodology as we go along.  For now, please note that these stand in the background of why we are doing what we are doing in the way that we are doing it.

       Thank you for letting God use you as a disciple-maker!