This will be an unusual weekend for our Calvary family for several reasons:
- Our students are having "One Weekend" which is an intense time of worship, fellowship and discipleship. We do this in conjunction with a handful of other local churches. One hundred of our students will join several other hundred students. Please pray for them to answer God's call to be disciple-makers.
- Our ABFs and CBFs will not be meeting on campus this Sunday morning due to major repairs to our Children's Building chiller plant. We will still have SBFs, Worship Services and Preschool care and teaching. Click here for more information. Help us communicate it to your respective group.
- We will have Ying Kai, co-author of the book pictured above: T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution among us this Sunday. Although he will share a brief word with the congregation on Sunday morning, you, as an ABF leader and disciple-maker have a personal invitation to attend a meet and greet session on Sunday night. Read about it here. I hope to see you there!
As we continue in our 40 days of prayer, we continue to pray at 10:02 AM and 10:02 PM according to Luke 10:2. This next week we will also be praying for the Lost and the Broken, those who are far away from God and those who are hurting. We are praying for God's redemptive power to be at work. We will also be praying for Asia and the Pacific.
Although ABFs and CBFs are not meeting on campus Sunday morning, you may want to consider meeting with your ABF off-campus at a time other than Sunday morning. If you do, you may explore together Mark 7:31-37 as look at a "Social Controversy." Another idea to consider if your ABF does not meet this weekend, is to share the passage with your group members via email, or Facebook or text, and have them do the three-thirds method with their family or with a group of friends or a group in their relational network (oikos). This is a good opportunity to test the training you have given them.
See you Sunday! God is doing great things among us! Don't miss it! (See next week's preview below).
Preview of the following week:
Please notice what we will be studying and praying for the weekend of March 4:
- Text: Mark 8:1-21 (Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand)
- 40 Days of Prayer emphasis beyond Luke 10:2: Transformation of our Communities and the continent of Africa